10 лет, и в моей жизни уже было множество радостных и, казалось бы, самых счастливых дней. Это и веселые семейные праздники, и дни рождения, и поездки на море, и многое, многое другое. Но самый счастливый день — это день, когда на свет появилась моя младшая сестренка Ариша!
Стоял солнечный январский денек, и мои зимние каникулы подходили к концу. Но меня это совсем не печалило, так как вся наша семья уже с огромным нетерпением ждала появления на свет маленького «чуда». И вот, когда 11 января 2012 года я проснулась, то поняла, что в квартире была совершенно одна, меня никто не будил, не звал на завтрак. И лишь мой
Risultati (
Italiano) 1:
10 years, and in my life has already been a lot of excitement and, seemingly, the most lucky days. It's fun and family holidays and birthdays, and a trip to the sea, and much, much more. But the happiest day is the day when my youngest was born sister Arisha! Sunny January day stood, and my winter vacation came to an end. But it is not pečalilo, as our whole family already eagerly awaited the birth of a small "miracle". And that's when January 11, 2012 year I woke up, I realized that the apartment was quite one, nobody realizes is not called. And only my
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Risultati (
Italiano) 2:
10 years old, and my life has been a lot of happy and seemingly the happiest days. This fun-filled family holidays and birthdays, and a trip to the sea, and much, much more. But the happiest day - the day when the light appeared my little sister Arisha! It was a sunny day in January, and my winter vacation coming to an end. But I was not saddened, as our whole family has been waiting for with great anticipation of the birth of a small "miracle". And when January 11, 2012 I woke up, I realized that the apartment was completely alone, no one woke me, did not ask for breakfast. And only my
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Risultati (
Italiano) 3:
10 years old, and my life has been a lot of cheerful and seemed to be the most happy days. it's a family holidays, birthdays, and travel on the sea, and much, much more. but the most happy day is the daywhen the light came, my younger sister 'arish.
was a january day, and my winter vacation coming to an end. but i wasn't печалило,as our whole family is very anxiously waited for the arrival of a "miracle". and when on january 11, 2012, i woke up, i realized that the house was all alone, i can't sleep.don't cry for breakfast. only my.
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