Dichiarano le parti che per il terreno compravenduto non si verificano le ipotesi previste dall'Art. 10 Legge 21 novembre 2000 n. 353 e di essere a conoscenza delle norme che regolano la prelazione agraria.
The parties declare that land sold do not experience the hypotheses provided for by Art. 10 November 21, 2000 Law # 353 and be familiar with the rules governing the first refusal.
The parties state that the product sold land neither of the cases provided for in Art. 10 Law 21 November 2000 n. 353 and to be aware of the rules governing the agrarian pre-emption.
state parties to the ground compravenduto does not occur the assumptions laid down in article. 10 law 21 november 2000. 353 and be aware of the rules governing the agricultural interest.