Based on this evidence, families can be provided with somepractical advice about preventing food allergy, particularlyamong infants at high risk due to parent and/or older sib-lings with allergic disease (Box 6). The advice for all mothersincludes the consumption of a normal healthy diet withoutrestrictions during pregnancy and lactation. For all infants,exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 4–6 months of life. If breastfeeding is insufficient or not possi-ble for the first 4 months, infants at high risk can be recom-mended a hypoallergenic formula with documentedpreventive effect for the first 4 months of life. There is noneed to avoid introducing complementary foods beyond4 months or for infants and children to take supplementssuch as prebiotics or probiotics. In addition, the present evi-dence does not justify recommendations about either with-holding or encouraging exposure to potentially allergenic