В коллективе всегда есть кто-л., отличающийся от других какими-л. (чаще дурными) качествами. Ср. Не все сосны в лесу корабельные; В одно перо и птица не родится. На воеводство был в лесу посажен Слон. Хоть, кажется, слонов и умная порода, Однако же в семье не без урода. Крылов, Слон на воеводстве.— Да, между тамошним священством есть люди недостойные,— продолжал Чубалов.— Но ведь в семье не без урода. Зато немало и таких, что душу свою готовы положить за последнего из паствы. Мельников-Печерский, На горах. Конечно, в семье не без урода, а так как семья у нас — 162 миллиона единиц,— естественно, что и уродов в ней не мало. Уроды самолюбивы и обидчивы: урод считает себя человеком исключительным, и, разумеется, он имеет основание считать себя таким, поскольку он — урод. М. Горький, Об анекдотах и — еще кое о чем. Тут и я намекаю: чем я им не юровщик? Принял честь с радостью, согласился. К этим трем ребятам да еще хороших двух подобрали, да еще парня молодого за повара взяли, да Яшку — в том ошиблись. Говорят же: в семье не без урода. Пришвин, За волшебным колобком. Мы помним о выдающихся личностях из крепостных, ставших гордостью русской нации. А бывали и обратные явления..— Я имею в виду личности, о коих обычно говорят: в семье не без урода. Д. Снегин, В городе Верном.
Из XVIII в.: [Добровидов:] Вить, сударь, в семье не без урода, так то изо многих присутствиев найдешь в иных и не порядочно. Кропотов, Фомушка, бабушкин внучек.
— Даль: В семье не без урода; В хлебе не без ухвостья, а в семье не без урода; Рыбникова: В семье не без урода.
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
In the team there is always someone l., distinguished from others by l. (usually bad) qualities. Wed. Not all pine forest ship; In one pen and a bird is born. The Voivodeship was planted in the forest Elephant. At least, it seems, elephants and clever breed, however, every family has its black sheep. KRYLOV, elephant on voivodship. — Yes, between local priesthood there are people unworthy — continued Čubalov. — but every family has its black sheep. But many of those that are willing to put his life for the last of the flock. Melnikov-Pecherskiy, on the mountains. Of course, every family has its black sheep, as well as a family we have — 162 million units — naturally, and it freaks a lot. Freaks are proud and touchy: freak finds himself a man of exceptional and, of course, he has reason to believe themselves, since he is a freak. M. Gorky, On anecdotes, and another about something. And here I was: what I do not ûrovŝik? Took the honour happily agreed. These three guys and yes even good two picked up, so even a young guy for cooks, yes Yashka is mistaken. They say: every family has its black sheep. Prishvin, For magic bun. We are mindful of the outstanding personalities of the serfs have become the pride of the Russian nation. And there were the phenomenon and. .. — I mean person, about whom to say: every family has its black sheep. D. Snegin, in Right.Из XVIII в.: [Добровидов:] Вить, сударь, в семье не без урода, так то изо многих присутствиев найдешь в иных и не порядочно. Кропотов, Фомушка, бабушкин внучек.— Даль: В семье не без урода; В хлебе не без ухвостья, а в семье не без урода; Рыбникова: В семье не без урода.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
In the team there is always someone l., Which differs from some other l. (often bad) qualities. Avg. Not all the pine trees in the forest ship; In one pen and a bird is born. In the province has been planted in the forest elephant. Though, it seems, elephants and intelligent breed, but also in the family has its black sheep. Krylov Elephant on voevodstve.- Yes, between there the priesthood, there are people unworthy - continued Chubalov.- But every family has its black sheep. But there are also many that are willing to put his life for the last of the flock. Melnikov Crypt, in the mountains. Of course, every family has its black sheep, as well as a family we have - 162 million units - of course, that freaks it is not enough. Freaks proud and touchy: freak considers himself a man of exceptional, and, of course, he has reason to consider himself such as he - a freak. Gorky, on anecdotes and - something else. Here and I hint: they are not what I yurovschik? I took honor gladly agreed. These three guys and even picked up a good two, but still the young guy behind the cook took, Yashku - is wrong. They say: every family has its black sheep. Prishvin For magic koloboks. We are mindful of the outstanding personalities of the castle, which became the pride of the Russian nation. And there were also the reverse phenomenon ..- I mean the person, about whom usually say, every family has its black sheep. D. Snegin, in the town of Verny.
From the XVIII century .: [Dobrovidov:] Vit, sir, every family has its black sheep, so the presence of many from his find in the other, and is not decent. Kropotov, Fomushka, grandmother grandson.
- Dahl: The family has its black sheep; The bread is not without uhvostya, and every family has its black sheep; Rybnikov: The family has its black sheep.
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