Freud compares the phenomenon of mourning after the loss and death of a close loved one to the phenomenon of melancholia /depression. Freud explains, they both share a similar outward effect on the subject and are both due to similar environmental influences. However, melancholia, is an abnormal pathology and a dangerous illness due to its suicidal tendency. in melancholia there is no apparent “object-loss” to the subject and to the observer. And even when the subject can identify the “object-loss” he/she can’t identify what “about it” is so disturbing and bothersome. In melancholia there is a loss of self-regard. The self-regard is presented as worthless and despicable, and in this regard it appears that the loss is in regards to his/hers actual ego itself. addition the loss in melancholia is an unconscious one as oppose to mourning which is a conscious and apparent process.