The author gives a survey on the occurrence of gall wasps in the two Regional Provinces of South Tyrol and Trentino,
respectively. The main treatment relates to the typical gall formations of the single species that are described and,
for the most part, illustrated. In all, 151 species are treated; of these, 103 species are recorded from the Region:
73 species occur in South Tyrol and 76 species in Trentino (Tab. 2). In addition, some 50 species are indicated in order
to evaluate further possible presences in South Tyrol-Trentino.
The material primarily is based on the evaluation and re-elaboration of older published references, like the 16 records of
species mentioned by Dalla Torre (1892-1896) in Cecidien Tirols, as well as Bezzi (1899: Cecidiologia Trentina) and
Cobelli (1903: Imenotteri del Trentino) with 24 species on the area of Trentino (Tab. 1). To this are added subsequent
records for 12 species from South Tyrol given by Hellrigl (1984, 1997): Ibalia leucospoides, Andricus caputmedusae,
A. fecundator, A. inflator, A. kollari, A. quercustozae, Biorhiza pallida, Cynips quercusfolii, Diplolepis rosae, Isocolus
scabiosae, Neuroterus numismalis, N. quercusbaccarum.
During the last 5 years, 2004-2008, the Author employed extensive, carefully directed investigations on Cynipidae galls
in South Tyrol and Trentino, which resulted in many new findings and more than a doubled the number of recorded
species for the whole Region from 41 to the present 103 species. Besides, some 4,500 specimens of galls where measured
and their registered dimensions illustrated graphically (Graphics 1-9). Included in the investigations were also two
regional forestry areas of an international "Integrated Monitoring-Programm" with the sites of "Quercetum pubescentis"
in Montiggl (IT-02) near Kaltern/Caldaro (BZ) and in Pomarolo (IT-04) near Rovereto (TN), respectively.
Ten species, formerly recorded only by Dalla Torre (1892-96): Andricus ostreus, Andricussolitarius, Cynips agama,
Cynips cornifex, Cynips quercus, Diplolepis mayri, Diplolepis spinosissimae, Liposthenes glechomae, Trigonaspis
synaspis, Synergus physoceras – were confirmed by recent findings.
Another 48 species were newly recorded for South Tyrol: Andricus aries, A.burgundus, A. callidoma, A. conglomeratus,
A. coriarius,A. corruptrix,A. curvator, A. glandulae,(A. globuli),A. infectorius,A. legitimus,A. lignicolus,A. paradoxus,
A. polycerus, A. pseudoinflator, A. quercuscalicis, A. quercusradicis, A. quercusramuli, Aulacidea hieracii, Aylax
minor, Aylax papaveris, Ceroptres claviconis, Cynips disticha, Diastrophus rubi, Diplolepis eglanteriae, Dryocosmus
kuriphilus, Neuroterus albipes, N.aprilinus, N. tricolor, Pseudoneuroterus macropterus, Phanacis hypochoeridis,
Periclistus brandtii, Synergus apicalis, S. clandestinus, S. crassicornis, S. gallaepomiformis, S. hayneanus, S. pallicornis,
S. pallipes (= albipes, nervosus), S. reinhardi, S. thaumacerus, S. umbraculus, Xestophanes potentillae, plus another
six parasitic Figitidae.
52 species were newly recorded for Trentino: Andricus amblycerus, A. amenti (= giraudianus), A. caliciformis,
A. caputmedusae, A. conglomeratus, A. conificus, A. coriarius, A. corruptrix, A. cydoniae, A. fecundator, A. galeatus,
A. gallaeurnaeformis, A. gemmeus, A. grossulariae (=A. mayri + panteli), A. infectorius, A. inflator (= globuli),
A. lignicolus, A. lucidus (=aestivalis), A. multiplicatus, A. polycerus, A. quercustozae, A. seckendorffi, A. solitarius,
A.truncicolus, Aphelonyx cerricola, Aylax minor, Callirhytis glandium, C. rufescens, Cynips agama, C. cornifex,
C. quercus, Dryocosmus kuriphilus, Neuroterus albipes, N. anthracinus, N. aprilinus, N. minutulus, N. numismalis,
N. saliens,N. tricolor,Pseudoneuroterusmacropterus,Plagiotrochus australis, Synophrus politus,Trigonaspissynaspis,
Ceroptres cerri, Ceroptres clavicornis, Synergus apicalis, S. hayneanus, S. pallicornis, S. pallidipennis, S. pallipes,
S. thaumacerus, S. umbraculus.
Formerly 24 species had been recorded for each of the Provinces of Trentino and Bozen-South Tyrol. The present
investigation enabled a triplication of the number of species recorded, reaching 76 species in Trentino, and 73 species
in South Tyrol (cfr. Tab. 2). Of considerable importance for the larger richness of Oak-gallwasp species in Trentino is
the wide-spread presence in that Province of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris), which is the natural sexual-generation host
for many Oak-gallwasp species, whereas this host is almost absent in South Tyrol. (cfr. Tab. 3).
Risultati (
Italiano) 1:
The author gives a survey on the occurrence of gall wasps in the two Regional Provinces of South Tyrol and Trentino,respectively. The main treatment relates to the typical gall formations of the single species that are described and,for the most part, illustrated. In all, 151 species are treated; of these, 103 species are recorded from the Region:73 species occur in South Tyrol and 76 species in Trentino (Tab. 2). In addition, some 50 species are indicated in orderto evaluate further possible presences in South Tyrol-Trentino.The material primarily is based on the evaluation and re-elaboration of older published references, like the 16 records ofspecies mentioned by Dalla Torre (1892-1896) in Cecidien Tirols, as well as Bezzi (1899: Cecidiologia Trentina) andCobelli (1903: Imenotteri del Trentino) with 24 species on the area of Trentino (Tab. 1). To this are added subsequentrecords for 12 species from South Tyrol given by Hellrigl (1984, 1997): Ibalia leucospoides, Andricus caputmedusae,A. fecundator, A. inflator, A. kollari, A. quercustozae, Biorhiza pallida, Cynips quercusfolii, Diplolepis rosae, Isocolusscabiosae, Neuroterus numismalis, N. quercusbaccarum.During the last 5 years, 2004-2008, the Author employed extensive, carefully directed investigations on Cynipidae gallsin South Tyrol and Trentino, which resulted in many new findings and more than a doubled the number of recordedspecies for the whole Region from 41 to the present 103 species. Besides, some 4,500 specimens of galls where measuredand their registered dimensions illustrated graphically (Graphics 1-9). Included in the investigations were also tworegional forestry areas of an international "Integrated Monitoring-Programm" with the sites of "Quercetum pubescentis"in Montiggl (IT-02) near Kaltern/Caldaro (BZ) and in Pomarolo (IT-04) near Rovereto (TN), respectively.Ten species, formerly recorded only by Dalla Torre (1892-96): Andricus ostreus, Andricussolitarius, Cynips agama,Cynips cornifex, Cynips quercus, Diplolepis mayri, Diplolepis spinosissimae, Liposthenes glechomae, Trigonaspissynaspis, Synergus physoceras – were confirmed by recent findings.Another 48 species were newly recorded for South Tyrol: Andricus aries, A.burgundus, A. callidoma, A. conglomeratus,A. coriarius,A. corruptrix,A. curvator, A. glandulae,(A. globuli),A. infectorius,A. legitimus,A. lignicolus,A. paradoxus,A. polycerus, A. pseudoinflator, A. quercuscalicis, A. quercusradicis, A. quercusramuli, Aulacidea hieracii, Aylaxminor, Aylax papaveris, Ceroptres claviconis, Cynips disticha, Diastrophus rubi, Diplolepis eglanteriae, Dryocosmuskuriphilus, Neuroterus albipes, N.aprilinus, N. tricolor, Pseudoneuroterus macropterus, Phanacis hypochoeridis,Periclistus brandtii, Synergus apicalis, S. clandestinus, S. crassicornis, S. gallaepomiformis, S. hayneanus, S. pallicornis,S. pallipes (= albipes, nervosus), S. reinhardi, S. thaumacerus, S. umbraculus, Xestophanes potentillae, plus anothersix parasitic Figitidae.52 species were newly recorded for Trentino: Andricus amblycerus, A. amenti (= giraudianus), A. caliciformis,A. caputmedusae, A. conglomeratus, A. conificus, A. coriarius, A. corruptrix, A. cydoniae, A. fecundator, A. galeatus,A. gallaeurnaeformis, A. gemmeus, A. grossulariae (=A. mayri + panteli), A. infectorius, A. inflator (= globuli),A. lignicolus, A. lucidus (=aestivalis), A. multiplicatus, A. polycerus, A. quercustozae, A. seckendorffi, A. solitarius,A.truncicolus, Aphelonyx cerricola, Aylax minor, Callirhytis glandium, C. rufescens, Cynips agama, C. cornifex,C. quercus, Dryocosmus kuriphilus, Neuroterus albipes, N. anthracinus, N. aprilinus, N. minutulus, N. numismalis,N. saliens,N. tricolor,Pseudoneuroterusmacropterus,Plagiotrochus australis, Synophrus politus,Trigonaspissynaspis,Ceroptres cerri, Ceroptres clavicornis, Synergus apicalis, S. hayneanus, S. pallicornis, S. pallidipennis, S. pallipes,S. thaumacerus, S. umbraculus.Formerly 24 species had been recorded for each of the Provinces of Trentino and Bozen-South Tyrol. The presentinvestigation enabled a triplication of the number of species recorded, reaching 76 species in Trentino, and 73 speciesin South Tyrol (cfr. Tab. 2). Of considerable importance for the larger richness of Oak-gallwasp species in Trentino isthe wide-spread presence in that Province of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris), which is the natural sexual-generation hostfor many Oak-gallwasp species, whereas this host is almost absent in South Tyrol. (cfr. Tab. 3).
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Risultati (
Italiano) 2:
L'autore dà una indagine sulla presenza di vespe delle galle nelle due Province Regionali dell'Alto Adige e Trentino,
rispettivamente. Il trattamento principale riguarda le tipiche formazioni biliari delle singole specie descritti e,
per la maggior parte, illustrato. In tutto, 151 specie sono trattate; di questi, 103 specie sono registrate dalla Regione:
73 specie si trovano in Alto Adige e 76 specie in Trentino (Tab. 2). Inoltre, circa 50 specie sono indicati in ordine
di valutare ulteriori possibili presenze in Alto Adige-Trentino.
Il materiale principalmente si basa sulla valutazione e rielaborazione di vecchie riferimenti pubblicati, come i 16 record di
specie di cui da Dalla Torre (1892 -1896) in Cecidien Tirols, così come Bezzi (1899: Cecidiologia Trentina) e
Cobelli (1903: Imenotteri del Trentino) con 24 specie sulla zona del Trentino (Tab 1).. A questo si aggiungono le successive
record per 12 specie Adige fornite dal Hellrigl (1984, 1997): Ibalia leucospoides, Andricus caputmedusae,
A. fecondatore, A. gonfiatore, A. kollari, A. quercustozae, Biorhiza pallida, Cynips quercusfolii, Diplolepis rosae, Isocolus
scabiosae, numismalis Neuroterus, N. quercusbaccarum.
Nel corso degli ultimi 5 anni, 2004-2008, l'Autore impiegato ampio, con attenzione rivolta indagini sulle Cynipidae galle
in Alto Adige e il Trentino, che ha portato molte nuove scoperte e più di un raddoppiato il numero di registrati
specie per l'intera regione da 41 agli attuali 103 specie. Inoltre, circa 4.500 esemplari di galle dove misurati
e le loro dimensioni registrati illustrate graficamente (grafici 1-9). Incluso nelle indagini erano anche due
aree forestali regionali di un internazionale "Integrated Monitoring-Programm" con i siti di "Quercetum pubescentis"
a Monticolo (IT-02) nei pressi di Kaltern / Caldaro (BZ) e in Pomarolo (IT-04) nei pressi di Rovereto (TN), rispettivamente.
Dieci specie, precedentemente registrate solo da Dalla Torre (1892-1896): Andricus ostreus, Andricussolitarius, Cynips Agama,
Cynips cornifex, Cynips quercus, Diplolepis mayri, Diplolepis spinosissimae, Liposthenes glechomae, Trigonaspis
synaspis, Synergus physoceras . - sono state confermate dalle recenti acquisizioni
Ancora 48 specie sono state recentemente registrate per Alto Adige: ariete Andricus, A.burgundus, A. callidoma, A. conglomeratus,
A. coriarius, A. corruptrix, A. curvator, A. glandulae, (A. globuli), A. infectorius, A. Legitimus, A. lignicolus, A. paradoxus,
A. polycerus, A. pseudoinflator, A. quercuscalicis, A. quercusradicis, A. quercusramuli, Aulacidea hieracii, Aylax
minore, Aylax papaveris, Ceroptres claviconis, Cynips disticha, Diastrophus rubi, Diplolepis eglanteriae, Dryocosmus
kuriphilus, albipes Neuroterus, N.aprilinus, N . tricolori, Pseudoneuroterus macropterus, Phanacis hypochoeridis,
Periclistus brandtii, Synergus apicalis, S. clandestinus, S. crassicornis, S. gallaepomiformis, S. hayneanus, S. pallicornis,
S. pallipes (= albipes, nervosus), S. reinhardi, S. thaumacerus, S. umbraculus, Xestophanes potentillae, più un altro
sei parassitario figitidae.
52 specie sono state recentemente registrate per il Trentino: Andricus amblycerus, A. amenti (= giraudianus), A. caliciformis,
A. caputmedusae, A. conglomeratus, A. conificus, A. coriarius, A. corruptrix, A. cydoniae, A. fecondatore, A. Galeatus,
A. gallaeurnaeformis, A. gemmeus, A. grossulariae (= A. mayri + Panteli), A. infectorius, A. gonfiatore (= globuli),
A. lignicolus, A. lucidus (= aestivalis), A. multiplicatus, A. polycerus, A. quercustozae, A. seckendorffi, A. solitarius,
A.truncicolus, Aphelonyx cerricola, Aylax minore, Callirhytis glandium, C. rufescens, Cynips Agama, C. cornifex,
C. Quercus, Dryocosmus kuriphilus, albipes Neuroterus, N. anthracinus, N. aprilinus, N. minutulus, N. numismalis,
N. saliens, N. tricolore, Pseudoneuroterusmacropterus, australis Plagiotrochus, Synophrus Politus, Trigonaspissynaspis,
Ceroptres Cerri, clavicornis Ceroptres, Synergus apicalis, S. hayneanus, S. pallicornis, S. pallidipennis, S. pallipes,
S. thaumacerus, S. umbraculus.
Precedentemente 24 specie era stata registrata per ciascuna delle province del Trentino e di Bolzano-Alto Adige. La presente
indagine ha consentito una triplicazione del numero di specie registrate, raggiungendo 76 specie in Trentino, e 73 specie
in Alto Adige (cfr. Tab. 2). Di notevole importanza per la più grande ricchezza di specie di quercia-gallwasp in Trentino è
la presenza diffusa in quella Provincia di cerro (Quercus cerris), che è l'ospite naturale sessuale generazione
per molte specie di quercia-gallwasp, che tale host è quasi assenti in Alto Adige. (cfr. Tab. 3).
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