The Perfect Crime Alice Jackson's husband, Henry was a man of habit. S traduzione - The Perfect Crime Alice Jackson's husband, Henry was a man of habit. S Bosniaco come dire

The Perfect Crime Alice Jackson's h

The Perfect Crime

Alice Jackson's husband, Henry was a man of habit. So it was that at exactly six o'clock in the evening she was in the kitchen getting a beer for him out of the fridge and watching him walk up the path.
She was smiling. Today the routine was going to be different. It was their tenth wedding anniversary, and some friends were coming round for drinks at 8.00. There was a big ice statue of a couple kissing in the middle of the table in the living room, with twenty glasses waiting for the guests. Alice was looking forward to the evening.
She was very happy. She had a beautiful baby sleeping upstairs, a lovely home, and a husband who she adored.
Henry opened the door and came into the kitchen. She turned round to kiss him and give him his beer.
'Sit down,' Henry said. 'I've got something to say.'
Alice had no idea that in the next two minutes her whole life was going to change.
'I'm sorry,' he said. 'And it's our anniversary, as well. But it's just that Kathy and I are in love. Bobby won't miss me, he's too young'
She didn't believe his ears. She was in a dream.
'I'll get ready for the party,' she said.
She walked into the living room. When she returned, Henry was standing with his back to her, drinking his beer. She was carrying something heavy. He turned. 'What on earth ….?' These were Henry Jackson's last words. His wife hit him over the head.
At first he didn't move, then he fell to the floor.
Suddenly Alice began to think very clearly. She took the ice statue back to the living room, and phoned the police.
Then she turned up the central heating, and went upstairs to put on some make-up.
The police came quickly.
'Is he all right?' she asked.
'He's dead.'
Alice screamed. 'No, no, not Henry! My Henry! Oh Henry!' Through her tears she told how she put the baby to bed, and came downstairs to find Henry on the kitchen floor.
'Burglars,' said Detective Parry.
They took her into the living room.
'Sit down, Mrs. Jackson. Sergeant Taylor, get Mrs Jackson a drink. A brandy with some ice. Phew! It's hot in this room. I hope you understand, Mrs Jackson, that we have to search the house immediately. We must find the murder weapon.
The room was getting hotter. Suddenly an arm fell off the ice statue onto the table. It was melting. Sergeant Taylor went to the statue and picked up the melting arm. He broke it into bits and put some into Alice's brandy.
'Phew! Can I have a glass of water, Mrs Jackson? It's so hot in here.'
'I think we all need one,' said the detective. 'And with ice.' They were all very hot and thirsty.
Alice's friends arrived. 'Poor Alice! Poor Henry!' They cried, and they tried to comfort her.
'Oh, thank you, thank you,' sobbed Alice. 'Please …. stay and have a drink. Help yourselves.'
They all had drinks - gin and tonic, whisky - and they all had ice. The statue was now nearly a pool of water on the floor.
'I wonder what the burglar hit him with,' said one guest.
'Who knows?' said another, taking a sip of her drink. Alice heard this conversation, and smiled into her brandy.
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Risultati (Bosniaco) 1: [Copia]
Savršen zločin

Alice Jackson suprug, Henry je bio čovjek od navika. Tako da je to tačno šest sati uveče bila je u kuhinji dobiti pivo za njega iz frižidera i gledao ga hoda uz put.
Bila je nasmijana. Danas je rutina je trebalo da bude drugačije. To je bio njihov deseti godišnjicu braka, a neki prijatelji su dolazili krug za piće u 8.00. Tu je bio veliki led kip par ljubi u sredini tabele u dnevnoj sobi, sa dvadeset čaše čekaju goste. Alice se raduje večeri.
Bila je jako sretna. Imala je divna beba spava gore, divan dom, i muža koji je obožavala.
Henry je otvorio vrata i ušao u kuhinju. Okrenula se da ga poljubim i da mu pivo.
"Sedi", rekao je Henry. 'Imam nešto za reći. "
Alice nije imao pojma da će u naredne dvije minute čitav njen život će promijeniti.
" Žao mi je ", rekao je on. "I to je naša godišnjica, kao dobro. Ali to je samo da Keti i ja smo u ljubavi. Bobby me neće nedostajati, on je premlad '
Ona nije verovala svojim ušima. Ona je bila u snu.
"Ja ću spreman za zabavu," rekla je.
Ušla je u dnevnu sobu. Kada se vratila, Henry je stajao s leđima prema njoj, pije pivo. Nosila je nešto teško. Okrenuo se. 'Ono što na zemlji ....? " To su bile poslednje reči Henry Jackson. Njegova supruga ga je udario po glavi.
U početku nije potez, onda je pao na pod.
Odjednom Alice je počela da vrlo jasno misliti. Uzela je led kip natrag u dnevnu sobu, a zvala policiju.
Onda je došao na centralno grijanje, i otišao gore staviti na neke make-up.
Policija je brzo stigla.
"Je li sve u redu?" upitala je.
"On je mrtav."
Alice vrisnu. 'Ne, ne, ne Henry! Moja Henry! O Henry! ' Kroz suze je rekla kako je stavila bebu u krevet, i došao dole da Henry na kuhinjskom podu.
"Lopovi", rekao je detektiv Parry.
Odveli su je u dnevnu sobu.
"Sjedi, gospođa Jackson. Narednik Taylor, dobiti gospođa Jackson piće. A rakija sa malo leda. Fuj! To je vruće u ovoj sobi. Nadam se da razumete, gospođa Jackson, da moramo odmah pretražili kuću. Moramo naći oružje ubistva.
Soba je bila sve toplije. Iznenada ruku pao led kipa na stolu. To je topi. Narednik Taylor otišao u kip i podigao topljenje ruku. On je provalio u bitova i stavi malo u Alice rakiju.
"Phew! Mogu li dobiti čašu vode, gospođa Jackson? To je tako vruće ovdje. "
" Mislim da nam svima treba jedan, "rekao je detektiv. "I sa ledom. ' Svi su bili vrlo vruće i žedni.
Prijatelji Alice je stigao. 'Jadni Alice! Jadni Henry! ' Plakala oni, i oni su pokušali da je uteši.
'Oh, hvala ti, hvala ti, "jecala Alice. "Molim te .... ostati i popiti piće. . Pomoć sebe '
Svi su imali pića - džin i tonik, viski - i svi su imali leda. Statua je sada gotovo lokvi vode na podu.
"Pitam se šta ga je provalnik udario," rekao je jedan gost.
"Tko zna?" rekao je drugi, uzimajući gutljaj svoje piće. Alice čuo taj razgovor, i osmehnu se u nju rakiju.
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